Spring is a bit of a symbol of reboot, the life awakening from the long sleep of winter ... and it brings with it either the dreaded allergy season. This month,...
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Qwhat summer power! The power of the sun, its heat that pierces us, makes us feel that everything is simpler, that everything is possible. The sun is life!
During the summer the rhythms change: the holidays, the children at home, the desire to be outside for a longer time, the night which falls much later and which gives us the impression of having more time at our disposal. ...
This can lead to a change in our routines, and sometimes not in a good way: we eat later, sometimes we skip meals, meetings become more frequent, and the party spirit exposes us to more temptation. And, while it's okay to have fun, it's also important to always find a balance.
It is proven that, during family meals or with friends, we stay longer at the table and that the quantities ingested are, as a result, often more important. Realizing this will help us maintain healthy habits without giving up pleasure.1. In summer, remember to hydrate yourself well:with the heat, water losses become greater and we must be careful to compensate by drinking enough. Choose your drink carefully: sugary drinks, sodas, pasteurized juices, cocktails do not hydrate. On the contrary, they can increase the feeling of thirst by increasing blood sugar levels. The most effective solution is always fresh water, which can be made more seductive and attractive by adding mixtures of natural flavors: fruits (melon, peach, pineapple, watermelon, lemon, etc.), cucumber, ginger and aromatic herbs (mint, sage, rosemary, basil), left to infuse in a large caraffe for several hours. Pleasure and health in a glass!

2. We hydrate not only with water, but also with food:vegetables and fruits of this season are full of water and are very rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants ... everything we need to fill the losses and fill up with nutrients that allow, among other things, to fight against the excess free radicals which increase with prolonged exposure to the sun.
Do not hesitate to consume them raw, in salads, in smoothies, in freshly squeezed juices: they are very nutritious and they help to cool our body temperature. Also use cooking methods that limit water loss, such as gentle steam.
3. Dare to vary the colors by choosing your fruits and vegetables:

4. Avoid large meals and choose 5 meals that are more limited in quantity, this promotes better digestion: the body already uses a lot of energy to maintain body temperature. By consuming less but more frequently, we will draw less energy, we feel less tired and less heavy.
5. Take advantage of the sun, the long days, to spend time outdoors and do the sport that suits us: hiking, jogging, yoga ... Oxygen, sun and nature provide an anti-stress environment: they are a very effective way to recharge your batteries, stay in shape, increase our energy level, refuel vitamin D.
The swimming pools, finally open, also give us the possibility of doing beautiful swimming or aquagym sessions.
6. Fancy an ice cream? Treat yourself!Promote the consumption of artisanal products, with a short list of ingredients. Why? The longer the list of ingredients, the more the product will be transformed, denatured, enriched with preservatives, additives and artificial flavors to give it flavor. Always pay attention to the quality of raw materials. Even “the gaps” can have interesting nutritional values!

7. Eat healthy outside, is it possible? Yes!If you are going out with the family, consider planning the meal: a salad with vegetables, cereals, eggs, fish, aromatic herbs will be very nutritious… and for dessert? A salad of seasonal fruits and oilseeds will do the trick.
8. And in the restaurant?Ask for lots of seasonal vegetables that go with good protein and quality starches.

With a quote, I wish you a beautiful summer full of colors!
When the sun is shining, I can do anything. No mountain is too high, no problem too difficult to overcome
-Wilma Rudolph-
This article was first published in lecentrecoaching.ch

Daniela VIGANÒ
I offer personalized support in nutrition, according to your objectives, your needs, your different contexts, your constitutions, your state of health, your habits, your desires… since you are unique …… ..learn more
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