Spring is a bit of a symbol of reboot, the life awakening from the long sleep of winter ... and it brings with it either the dreaded allergy season. This month,...
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“The greatest gain is giving to others. The greatest loss is to receive without gratitude.” -Buddha-
éWe often hear lately that Christmas 2020 will not be like the others: this Christmas we will have to be careful, we cannot hug each other, we will not be able to celebrate as usual, travel is not recommended, markets Christmas are almost all cancelled. Perhaps many of us, living abroad, will not be able to return to our country of origin to spend time with our family, with our parents. The images of this Christmas 2020 that pass today rather want to express negativity, deprivation, restrictions... without necessarily wanting to show the possibilities, without giving a look that is different.
“The greatest gain is giving to others. The greatest loss is to receive without gratitude.” -Buddha-
éWe often hear lately that Christmas 2020 will not be like the others: this Christmas we will have to be careful, we cannot hug each other, we will not be able to celebrate as usual, travel is not recommended, markets Christmas are almost all cancelled. Perhaps many of us, living abroad, will not be able to return to our country of origin to spend time with our family, with our parents. The images of this Christmas 2020 that pass today rather want to express negativity, deprivation, restrictions... without necessarily wanting to show the possibilities, without giving a look that is different.

Will it suddenly be a less beautiful Christmas, less perceived, less important than the others?
Will it suddenly be a less beautiful Christmas, less perceived, less important than the others?
I think that
Will it suddenly be a less beautiful Christmas, less perceived, less important than the others?
Will it suddenly be a less beautiful Christmas, less perceived, less important than the others?

How many times at Christmas have we felt a lot of stress: the many gifts to buy, the enormous number of people in a hurry in the shopping centers, “hunting” for the latest offer, the latest gift, the most fashionable toy .
How many times at Christmas have we felt a lot of stress: the many gifts to buy, the enormous number of people in a hurry in the shopping centers, “hunting” for the latest offer, the latest gift, the most fashionable toy .
How many times at Christmas have we felt a lot of stress: the many gifts to buy, the enormous number of people in a hurry in the shopping centers, “hunting” for the latest offer, the latest gift, the most fashionable toy .
Personally, I choose to see this year, which somehow "deprives" me of my habits, of my typical traditions of the month of December, as an opportunity to revisit my values, to make different choices, to get back to basics, to rediscover in me the Christmas spirit, which is not necessarily in the decorations in the shops, in the “special holiday” food, in the bags of gifts and chocolates.

And so this year, I decide to be in the gift:
- And so this year, I decide to be in the gift:
- Give a free smile to someone I don't know
- And so this year, I decide to be in the gift:
- And so this year, I decide to be in the gift:
- And so this year, I decide to be in the gift:
And, like last year, I will also take the opportunity to write a letter to this 2020, to thank it for everything it has given me, for all the possibilities of change and evolution that I have had; then I will burn this letter, in order to release its energy, in order to close a chapter; and finally, I'm going to write a letter to this 2021, not only with expectations, but also telling him what am I going to do for him, what can I give to make him magical, who I want to be to bring value to him.

And, like last year, I will also take the opportunity to write a letter to this 2020, to thank it for everything it has given me, for all the possibilities of change and evolution that I have had; then I will burn this letter, in order to release its energy, in order to close a chapter; and finally, I'm going to write a letter to this 2021, not only with expectations, but also telling him what am I going to do for him, what can I give to make him magical, who I want to be to bring value to him.
Well, this article was not focused on nutrition, as on the contrary I had done last year, but today I wanted to talk about another type of food, because, we know that it is not only physical.
Well, this article was not focused on nutrition, as on the contrary I had done last year, but today I wanted to talk about another type of food, because, we know that it is not only physical.
This article was first published in lecentrecoaching.ch

Daniela VIGANÒ
I offer personalized support in nutrition, according to your objectives, your needs, your different contexts, your constitutions, your state of health, your habits, your desires… since you are unique …… ..learn more
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